Christine Prat
March 10, 2025
Since Trump behaved like a pig, which he is, towards Volodimir Zelensky, the world turned Zelensky into a Saint and our governments seized the opportunity to do… THE SAME AS TRUMP!
On the ground of going to war, they are going to cut into social, health, education, culture, environmental budgets, to make the poor poorer, destroy the little nature that is left to produce more and more energy, pile up nuclear weapons that will ever blow in our faces, and adopt in many respects the extreme rightists’ policies.
Although I am of course supporting Ukrainian civilians, I still have some questions about the regime. Before the Trump scandal, it was known that V. Zelensky had forbidden some 13 political parties.
Most shocking for me, some two years ago, they burnt Mikhail Bulgakov book, The Master and Margaret, on the ground that Bulgakov was Russian nationalist. This book is a literary wonder, and the most profound description of Stalin’s mad society. Moreover, it is the book that inspired the greatest number ever, “Sympathy for the Devil” by the Rolling Stones.
The next day, I heard that they were burning Dostoyevsky’s books, which is quite worrying.
I shall always keep my admiration and respect for the Ukrainian peasants who revolted against Trotsky’s Red Army in 1918.
Then, my question is: