Last additions

Paris, July 200757 viewsVu de Montmartre. Ma première photo numérique.Oct 17, 2020

Santa Fe52 viewsOct 15, 2020

Santa Fe103 viewsTouristesOct 15, 2020

Santa Fe 400 years of occupation79 viewsShameless celebration of the creation of Santa Fe through genocide, on stolen landOct 15, 2020

Santa Fe 400 years of occupation, settlers disguised as conquistadors!80 viewsShameless celebration of the creation of Santa Fe through genocide, on stolen landOct 15, 2020

The YEAR 2020, COVID-19 day out79 viewsLa Malène, Lozère, 18 août 2020Sep 25, 2020

Plastic Nightmare36 viewsBoulogne-sur-Mer, June 2020Sep 24, 2020

Boulogne-sur-Mer, main street, June 202036 viewsSep 24, 2020

Le Tarne à La Malène46 viewsLa Malène, Lozère, 18 août 2020Sep 20, 2020

Le Tarn /River Tarn, 20 août 2020 / August 20, 202043 viewsAu moulin de la Malène, lozèreSep 19, 2020
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